What To Look For In Cheques For Business

cheques for business

Starting a business can be an exciting, yet risky endeavour — one that involves making many decisions. Near the top of that list is the use of cheques in your day-to-day operation. Today’s businesses have a full range of financial options at their fingertips. And while electronic transfers and debit and credit payments have become… Read More…

7 Types of Cheques You Should Buy

types of cheques

Purchasing cheques has never been easier, given the numerous options available to consumers. From small businesses issuing large quantities of cheques on a daily basis to personal cheque writers who only pull out their cheque books for birthdays, there is something for everyone. Customers can choose to personalize their transactions with custom cheques that offer… Read More…

7 Scenarios Where Your Cheque Book Will Come in Handy

writing a cheque

With the popularity and convenience of debit and credit cards, very few of us carry cold-hard cash in our wallets anymore. However, with bank fees that can cost you a pretty penny and interest that has been known to cause crippling debt to even the savviest saver, there’s another payment option that is highly underrated… Read More…

4 Ways to Go on Digital Detox

digital detox

As much as it’s probably hard to admit, most of us are hooked on our digital devices. Whether it’s relentlessly checking our Smart Phone, playing online games, being social on social media or texting, there’s no doubt about it that we’re part of a ‘plugged in’ society. Words like apps, poke and tweet may not… Read More…

8 Ways Corporate Typefaces Work for Your Company

corporate typefaces - cheques

Before a company has an opportunity to explain its identity, its visual image has already done a lot of talking. A corporate typeface – along with logos and colours – is often the first contact an organization has with its audience in commercial and advertising environments. And because first impressions can be lasting, it’s crucial… Read More…

8 Benefits of Laser Cheque Printing

Transitioning from traditional handwritten cheques to laser cheque printing offers numerous advantages for both individuals and businesses. This modern approach streamlines the cheque production process, allowing for customization and efficiency. Here are eight key benefits of adopting laser cheque printing: 1. Fraud Control Handwritten cheques are susceptible to fraud techniques such as copying and "washing,"... Read More...

7 Reasons Why Paper Cheques Are NOT Dead

paper cheques

Over the centuries, paper cheques have been a mainstay method of payment. In fact, they date all the way back to the 9th century –back then, merchants relied on cheques to exchange funds, according to the Economic Review. And for much of the 20th century, they were the most widely used method of payment. From… Read More…

The Great Community Mailbox Debate


Got mail? If you’re used to having your bills, letters and cards dropped off at your doorstep, you better prepare to kiss that convenient and personalized service goodbye. Within the next five years, Canada Post will slowly be phasing out door-to-door delivery of all regular mail for urban residents. Instead, your mail will be sent… Read More…

MICR Toner & MICR Ink for Blank Cheques

How Can Cheque Printers Confirm Cheques Meet New Specifications? Cheque printers, software providers, and organizations printing their own cheques are strongly encouraged to provide pre-production samples to their financial institution to ensure compliance with the latest standards. Contact your financial institution for details on the testing process and timelines. Does Magnetic Ink Still Need to... Read More...

CPA Compliant Business Cheques

The Canadian Payments Association (CPA) has announced new specifications that all financial institution members and consumers must conform to. The CPA has changed the deadline to use cheques with the new layout standards. It has now been extended beyond the end of June 2007.

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