Payments fraud happens to 82% of companies¹

Basic Voucher Checks
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  • Print directly from QuickBooks to save time
  • Minimal protection against fraud

Starting at $46.24 for 50
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Secure Plus Voucher Checks
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Advanced protection against fraud with 23 security features, including:

  • An exclusive security coating to block tampering
  • A heat-sensitive icon to prevent photocopying
  • A custom watermark to protect against forgery

Starting at $71.68 for 50
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Secure Premier Voucher Checks
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Our most powerful protections against fraud with 29 security features, including a hologram for passport-level security for yourchecks.

  • An exclusive security coating to block tampering
  • A heat-sensitive icon to prevent photocopying
  • A custom watermark to protect against forgery
  • A security hologram that makes your checks virtually impossible to counterfeit

Starting at $78.10 for 50
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QuickBooks Checks FAQ

How do business checks differ from personal checks?
Business checks are usually larger than personal checks to allow space for more information – like the payee’s address or an additional signature. They’ll also typically include stronger security features. Learn more about business checks.

Am I ordering the right business check?
There are a variety of business checks to choose from depending on your needs. The most popular check we sell is the Secure Plus Voucher Check, but you can learn more about all the different types of business checks and which one is right for you in our resource center.

How do I print business checks?
QuickBooks printable checks are specifically designed to work with QuickBooks and print easily from most printers with the simple click of a button in QuickBooks. To learn more, check out our guide to printing checks from QuickBooks.

Can I add a company logo or customize my checks if I order online?
Yes. During the check customization process you can add a logo, change the font or color used on the checks, add a second signature line, and add text to the signature line. Learn more about customizing your checks. Not all options are available for all checks.

Why choose secure business checks; can’t I just get them from the bank?
With payment fraud happening to 82% of companies,1 you want to ensure that you’re doing everything you can to help protect your business. Checks from the bank might be cheaper, but they often don’t provide the level of security that QuickBooks secure checks do. Plus, QuickBooks checks are the only checks guaranteed to work with QuickBooks products.

1. 2019 AFP® Payments Fraud and Control Survey

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