Reduce Your Cheque Costs & Increase Cheque Security Features

Ever since the economy took a dive business owners have been seeking new ways to reduce business costs. They spend countless hours negotiating with their suppliers and discussing options with their accountants to reduce their costs wherever they can.

Every dollar saved is an extra dollar going right to the bottom line of the company.

An often over looked business expense is a companies cheques. For years and years businesses have been purchasing cheques directly from the banks assuming the banks actually manufactured them and that they had no choice in suppliers.

However compitetion in cheque manufacturing has increased over the years and business owners now find themselves with options many of them never knew existed in the past.

Laser Cheques often referred to as computer cheques or voucher cheques can now be purchased from local and national printers such as the bank supplier. However not all cheques are manufactured with the same security features as that of the major nationwide suppliers as the cost to manufacture the best quality and most secure cheques comes at a price not all small cheque printers can afford.

Many small cheque suppliers offer reduced costs but in doing so they also leave their business clients more vulnerable to cheque fraud which can cost a company alot more than the minor cost of having a higher level of cheque security paper.

At Cheques Now we have found a simply answer to the two most basic questions owners have about changing cheque suppliers
1) Can I Reduce My Costs
2) Can I Keep A High Level Of Cheque Security

To both of these questions we can answer YES!

Our offer makes it simple for any business to reduce their cheque costs by 25% on computer cheques/laser cheques and by 50% on the one per page or two per page manual cheques.
Our clients are able to receive these cost reductions while also being able to actually Increase the security features on their cheques at no extra cost.

We have the highest security cheque stock available anywhere in Canada. Nobody else has all the same features we do. Not even the standard bank suppliers cheques are as secure as ours.

To learn more about reducing your cheque costs and increasing your cheque security call us toll free at 1-866-760-2661, or check out our security features page on our website.

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Jon Gilchrist

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