Print & Cheques Now & ULaw Software Partnership
“Reduce your costs, Earn AIR MILES® reward miles
Increase security features & Enjoy a wider selection of standard colors”

Get 25% MORE cheques when you order our Premium No Foil Laser Cheques. Our Premium Laser Cheques come with the highest cheque stock security features in Canada including our Heat Sensitive Ink on the backside of the cheques to ensure authenticity. Learn More
Get 25% MORE cheques when you order our Premium No Foil Laser Cheques. Our Premium Laser Cheques come with the highest cheque stock security features in Canada including our Heat Sensitive Ink on the backside of the cheques to ensure authenticity. Learn More
Get 25% MORE cheques when you order our Premium No Foil Laser Cheques. Our Premium Laser Cheques come with the highest cheque stock security features in Canada including our Heat Sensitive Ink on the backside of the cheques to ensure authenticity. Learn More
Stackable Savings on Every Order:
- Match Any Suppliers Price!
- We Buy you an extra 25% More Computer Cheques on Every Order
- Earn AIR MILES® reward miles on every order
- Pay on Visa/MC and you can Double Dip on Points (Debit and Etransfer also accepted)
- Increased security features at no-cost (Varies based on past supplier)
- We can Print Same Day if Needed ($25 Charge)
- Can delivery Next Day to Most of Canada (Air Shipping Charges Apply)
- Choice from 10 Standard Background Colors on Top and Middle Cheques
- Guaranteed CPA Compliant
- 100% Software Compatible
In a Panic? We can print same day and Ship Overnight when needed!
As a Canadian Owned and operated small business we only employee Canadian staff who live and work here. By doing this we do incur higher wage costs but we also are able to have complete control when it comes to turn around times of our clients order. We can print and ship cheque orders out same day and can deliver to most of Canada next day when a client is in a panic! Our cheques also have more security features then the banks supplier giving you a Premium Product at a reduced rate. Make the change Today! The Canadian Economy, our employees and your Wallet will thank you for it.
Software Compatibility
Our Computer Cheques are guaranteed compatible with
Simply Accounting, Quickbooks and all other software programs.
100% CPA compliant
Over 29 years in Cheque Manufacturing Experience
100% Money Back & Satisfaction Guarantee